Below is a quiz to test your knowledge of Tom Paris. Good luck!
1.What is Tom Paris's current rank?

He was demoted from Lieutenant in a recent episode.

2. What facility did Tom Paris choose for his second-semester physical training? (from "The Cloud")

Training base outside Marseilles, France
He chose this facility because of its proximity to the bistro, Chez Sadrine.

3. What did Tom major in at Starfleet Academy? (from "Future's End, Part 1")


4. What was one of Paris's greatest achievements as a pilot? (from "Threshold")

breaking the transwarp threshold & attaining warp 10

He reverted into a lizard-like creature after he did this, then kidnapped Janeway and took her with him. She then turned into a lizard-like creature as well.

5. Paris's middle name is a tribute to what great man of Trek?

Gene Roddenberry
His middle name is Eugene.

6. In the episode "Before and After", what was the name of Tom & Kes's daughter?

Harry Kim also marries Linnis in this episode. But, of course, it was all in another timeline.

7. How many children of Tom's have been shown on Voyager (in any timeline)?


There was Linnis and 3 lizard-like babies he had with Janeway when he kidnapped her in "Threshold."

8. What holodeck character does Tom enjoy playing?

Captain Proton
From various episodes. He based the piloting controls in the Delta Flyer on controls from the Captain Proton program.

9. Which century does Tom consider himself somewhat of an expert on?

Revealed in "Future's End" and many other episodes after.

10. Robert Duncan McNeill played the part of which character on ST: The Next Generation?

Cadet Nick Locarno in "The First Duty"

Wrenn was played by Raye Birke.
Walter J. Pierce was played by Mark Rolston.
Colonel Day was played by Steven Webber.

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